Funny dogs and puppy pictures!Man's Best Friend Online!You damn dog!Smile!
Monday, March 05, 2007
4 stupid dogs4 stupid dogs ? or they like the pussycat ?
Written at 1:54 AM by funny pictures girl.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
(1 of the puppys) hey whats that; it has 4 legs like us but, not like us i dont get what it is do y know what it is [to the other puppy] i dont know i hav no ? either [the other puppy] this a... dog... right [other puppy] i guess i dont know, no wait its a tiger [other puppy] what a tiger [other puppy again] i forget i heard it on animal planet.

-edmund aka noy

Blogger B.T.Bear (esq.) said...
I bet that cat feels so embarrassed...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
those dogs aren't stupid. They're training to be working dogs and have to learn to ignore cats so the people they're helping can concentrate on their jobs.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hahaha LOL so funny I love this picture Greetzz from the Netherlands x Soozie

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I walk my cat O_o

Anonymous Anonymous said...
i hate dogs they are so stupid an ugly i had a dog i wanted to kill it so bad my mom wanted to also so we did!!! I have one cat i like cats are better avril .L. last name lavigne

Anonymous Anonymous said...
uggg thats a mean comment to killed a dog. dogs and cats arre both cute. LOL i love this pic

Anonymous Anonymous said...
the person that wrote they want to kill there dogs is the rudist person in the world i know a lot of mean people but your the rudist

Anonymous Anonymous said...
it is just like a woman walking down the street and men staring at her lol