Funny dogs and puppy pictures!Man's Best Friend Online!You damn dog!Smile!
Thursday, April 06, 2006
run dogHow many legs do you see ?
Written at 11:50 PM by Anonymous.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I think there are 16 or 18 legs its funny

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
i think there's 18 legs lol

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
WTF!!! who cares???????? (not me)

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I say there is 18
But who cares!!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I think 16 or 18 And whoever said "is that real..." well that's pretty dum

Anonymous Anonymous said...
there are 20 legs.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
whoever said "whoever said is it real is dum" is an imbicile because everbody knows "dum" is spelled 'dumb'.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
yeah, nobody can read or spell anymore

Anonymous Anonymous said...
You guys are all wrong it's 40,897!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Whoever said "is an imbicile" is dumb as well because you can't even spell everybody right! Speak for yourself!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
hello world!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
well i think ya all been stupid of course it int real it photoshopped and why the hell are you atguing bout it yaboth being immature

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hello world and I think you guys are all stuped to say something lack that I think the guy how said that their are 40,897 legs is right. P.S. who cares

Anonymous Anonymous said...
is it real we think it's fake

Anonymous Anonymous said...
is the dog get 0 legs only 4

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
You guys are all stupid okay..!


why can we dutch people Spell everything better?

Good luck..:P!

Greetzz Holland:P

Anonymous Anonymous said...
wow i think there is about 19 legs there

Anonymous Anonymous said...
He wasent like all the other puppies...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
It's photoshopped. You can see smudging on the third set of legs.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
its not funnny its sad

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I counted 18. Is tht a bunch of dogs put together or is it 1 dog?

Anonymous Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
There are twenty legs and you all need to learn how to spell and speak. Got it? Get it? GOOD!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
wow, mum's right americans are weird!! :)LOL jk

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Im hot and ready for anybody!! ;) come talk!

Blogger elmo said...
is the dog a boy or girl

Anonymous Anonymous said...
18 or 20 legs i think but dont think its a real dog who cares!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
18 legs now i think 20(dont no!?!?!?!?!?!)

Anonymous Anonymous said...
well, you're all pretty DUMB because none of you have picked up on how to spell IMBECILE!!!What is the world coming to? Never mind, the dog is funny!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
hi yes there are 18 legs very good but its fake i did it on photoshop

Ha Ha Ha

Anonymous Anonymous said...
ummm. elevity two legs

Anonymous Anonymous said...
There are 18
And if u dont care why did you cound dem and why u on this page?
Good picture!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I see about 16 legs

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I see eighteen legs

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I see 18 legs and whoever asked if thats real of course not! Its called "PHOTO SHOP!"

Anonymous Anonymous said...
OMG!!! is this from photoshop it cant B real
if it is than that is sooooo weird!!!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
that can't be real that's so ya must of used the twisting system or somethin'.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
lol who eva said (You guys are all wrong it's 40,897!) is the only smart 1 here coz its ment 2 be funny!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
oh my god is this real !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
i think there are 16-18 legs and i really want to know is that real or just alot of dogs put together and hiding there legs?

Anonymous Anonymous said...
your all fat so shut the hell down

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I think it's fake

Anonymous Anonymous said...
That dog is fake u can tell cause in no case would a dog have that many legs without some genitic mutaution.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
OMG is that real

Anonymous Anonymous said...
i am from texas and you no what i says that it has 20 freakin legs so just shut up ok ok no just leave the subject alone by the way e-mail me if you want to it is

Anonymous Anonymous said...
its called photoshop yo... i say he has 43 legs, yeah thats right, 43.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
This dog is so cute but ugly at the same time

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Thats folley colllllll 18 yaaaaaaaa

Anonymous Anonymous said...
all u have done is tok lots of picz and put them together.
even i could do that it is supid.
get a real job!!!!
or are u to thick as a plank of wood.
oh haha naw that was funny!!!!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
lol there is only 13 legs because the asked "how many legs do you SEE" not how many legs are there dickheads (whisper:lol suckers)

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Wow, only one person is smart enough to get this.
Thirteen legs. That's all you can see.

And some of you are immature. Arguing over spelling? Wow.

This is picture is cute though!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
And yes, that last sentence was wrong. I wasn't paying attention. haha.
See, we can all be "dumb" at some times.
haha. =]

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Wow that would be insane :)
That can't possibly be real though could it?

Blogger Unknown said...
18??? Wow u really dont knw how 2 count!!!!!! it's 16 legz and wao that is really weird

Anonymous Anonymous said...
there is really 4 FYI

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Where can I get this kind of dog? My daughter wants a puppy.

Blogger Unknown said...
WOW that is all my cuz and i could even say but we counted about 20 legs and once again OMG THAT IS A LOT OF LEGS:):):):):)

Anonymous Anonymous said...
it has been photo shopped dumb ones! can you not see the blurs on the fur which a real dog with 18 legs would not have!!!!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
not sure about the dog bt ive got 3 legs if someone wants a ride!!!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
im american and i love dogs a bit too much!!!!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
you all are soooo dum or dumb or w/e you wanna say.. it asks how many legs can you see?
but if you all could could count there are 14!! not 13!!
stupid people

Anonymous Anonymous said...
ppls its 20 legs!!!!!!!!!!!! I am 9 yrs old !!!!!!!!!!!!! hm

Anonymous Anonymous said...
omg......i think there is 18 legs its sooooooooooooooooooooooo freaky!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
definitely 18.... wierd...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
i think there is 16 beacuse i added the legs up in 2times tables ind i think ive got it is it 16 by the way that dog is like so funny is it a shih sue

Anonymous Anonymous said...
i think there is 18 legs

Anonymous Anonymous said...
That is insanely crap and dumB u r all wrong . also, there are DEFINATLY 4 legs, coz the dogs fake PEACE OUT MAN i love the worlddddddddd go bbuddah - pacifists are cool.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Dude that is totally photoshopped and ya'll are having a stupid arguement! It is 18 legs.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I think it has 18 legs

Anonymous Anonymous said...
hahhaha... its really funny to see this doooooooooooog. I think the shortest dog of the Earth. hahahaha

Anonymous Anonymous said...
hahaa this is funny..
i say 13 because it asks how many you can see and that's only 13 soo..
and if you don't find it funny and think it's stupid why come on it then.. that's the stupid thing haha

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I absolutly love this photo and if all you guys are just goinig to argue about how many legs it has and who spells what wrong then you are all a load of kill joys! I'm a 12 year old who comes onto the internet to find a funny dog that i can put on my mothers day card and all i hear is people arguing about this and being mean to people who they have never met in their intire lives! that is what the whole world is doing at the moment-arguing and it breaks my heart! If we can stop arguing over this cute doggy problem then maybe we can find time to help people starving in africa or helping the disabled. If any of you believe in this statemant then please tell the world, let them know your sorry for everything you have done!!! please i ask of you, be nice to oneanother. If this has reached anyone in the world then thank you! You'll be in my heart always. (texas guy don't be so mean and nasty!)

Blogger Unknown said...
i think it's funny how you all start off talking about dogs and then get in an arguement. keep going. this is entertaining.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
i think 18 legs

Anonymous Anonymous said...
there is 18 u spakes

Anonymous Anonymous said...

save the drowning man

Anonymous Anonymous said...
by the way he has 2 legs

Anonymous Anonymous said...
this is gay i hate dogs

Blogger Shrey said...
hahha..u fools this is not real..rather its a edited pic

Anonymous Anonymous said...
and i am only 12!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
well you all are hella stupid..cause for commenting on gotdamn oic how bout that?...bastards!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
sorry i am being such a smart ass on you guys but the text asked us to count how many legs we see. and whoever said that the dog had 40,000 legs and more was funny. all you guys happen to have different ideas, so let's respect them.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
michelle, you got a good point. I spent a lot of my limited internet time reading what everybody has to say on this page, and frankly speaking, the thing that they say are quite entertaining. heehee!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
by the way, the spelling is shi tzu, not shit sue

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Yeah! i totally agree with the things that the person who said something about the starving people in Africa and the disabled. people should stop arguing. and don't you guys call me preachy or anything like that,even if you don't know me and, i don't know you, we should still all be nice to each other. by the way, i'm not lying when i say that i am 12 years old because i know a lot of people do that

Anonymous Anonymous said...
you dopes there is 26

Anonymous Anonymous said...
i see 12!! hahaha - who cares

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
hey you guys i think there is ............12 and it is friggen photoshopped

Anonymous Anonymous said...
any one single who are guyslol i have big boods

Anonymous Anonymous said...
That is definintly not funny thats kind of scary!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
everyone that is here is stupid... especially the ones hu r tryin 2 pick up dates. it isnt like ur ever gonna meet that person in real life. this isnt an internet dating service. this pic was put on here to make us laf, not to make us argue so just shut ur pieholes and laf bout da pic and STOP tryin 2 pic up dates. if u cant get 1 from where u come from, then ur pitiful!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
i'm only 12 too!!! >:O

Anonymous Anonymous said...
wow i wonder who bought him

Blogger Unknown said...
hey all u people out there arguing. This picture is made to be funny not to have people fight about who spells things wrong and how many legs it has. It's just meant to be laughed at. So shut-up and just LAUGH!!
P.S. i am 12 years old.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
it's spelt shih tzu not shit sue or shi tzu.

Anonymous Anonymous said...
wtf who cares i mean it not real

Anonymous Anonymous said...
its cool even though its fake

Anonymous Anonymous said...
I think its cool, but if it was real I would feel sorry for the dog

Anonymous Anonymous said...
that is so computerized!

Anonymous Anonymous said...
There are 20 legs (is it a mutant or summit?)

Anonymous Anonymous said...
maybe it was pregnant and its babys didnt have heads or tails and they didnt cut the baby cord!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger Unknown said...
awwww! poor dog lmao its like a caterpillar lmfao
i think it has 18 legs. . .just a guesstimation